As this is a blog and not a purpose-built web site, I will also learn what HTML tags work in the context of Blogspot and what the idiosyncrasies are, such as the interpretation of structured (human-readable) code discovered in the previous post.
On to the first exercise, or more precisely, the fifth lesson in chapter 1. The blog template dictates how the headers (h1 - h3) display, but they do work, as does the paragraph tag.
[h1] The Sonata Form
[P] There are many variants on the structure of the sonata form. This example is just that, an example.
[h2] Exposition
[h3] First Subject
[P] The keyboard sonata of the classical era typically has the principle thematic material stated in the tonic key.
[P] The mood of the first subject is often motivic and forceful in nature.
[h3] Transition
[h3] Second Subject
[h3] Coda
[h2] Development
[h3] Dominant Key
[h3] Supertonic Key
[h3] Subdominant Minor Key
[h3] Subdominant Major Key
[h3] Supertonic Minor Key
[h3] Supertonic Major Key
[h3] Dominant Key
[h2] Recapitulation
The code, in a human-friendly form, is in the image below. I present it as an image so that it is not interpreted as code.
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